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State of Healthcare Expert Exchange

Thursday, October 17th at 2 pm ET/11 am PT

Join us for an “Ask Me Anything” style webinar to deep dive into the state of healthcare policy.

Bryan Zumwalt and Lauren Crawford Shaver from FTI Consulting will tackle your pressing questions about key areas such as pharmaceuticals, insurance, and health system policy.

Whether you’re focused on legislative changes, regulatory impacts, or industry trends, our speakers will address the critical topics that matter to you and your business.

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Meet the Speakers

Bryan Zumwalt

Senior Managing Director – Head of Government Affairs, FTI Consulting

Bryan is a skilled, tested leader with substantial experience in successfully executing public affairs initiatives and advocacy campaigns. Through his work, he has achieved regulatory and legislative victories that have impacted the bottom lines of some of the world’s most iconic companies. Most recently, Bryan was Executive Vice President for Public Affairs at the Consumer Brands Association (CBA), where he oversaw all advocacy and communications while relaunching of one of Washington’s most venerable trade organizations during the transformation of the Grocery Manufacturers Association to CBA.

For the last four consecutive years Bryan has been recognized by The Hill as one of D.C.’s top lobbyists. He previously served on the Economic Studies Council at the Brookings Institution and currently serves as a member of the Henry Clay Center for Statesmanship National Advisory Committee.

Lauren Crawford Shaver

Senior Managing Director – Head of Americas Healthcare and Life Sciences Strategic Communications, FTI Consulting

Lauren has a proven track record of building organizations, teams, and business across various sectors, but with a particularly deep expertise in healthcare. Her other sector experience across tech, anti-trust, and publicly traded highly regulated industries, brings a broader, global perspective to client needs, outside of healthcare. But, in healthcare she has worked with hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, physicians, insurers, manufacturers, and a variety of stakeholders across payment models, bringing drugs to market, trade and intellectual property, managed care, and mental health. With nearly 20 years between Democratic politics and health care policy, she continues to have reach into the Administrations of both political parties.