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Regulatory Tracking

Comprehensive Federal & State Regulatory Tracking

Use Quorum’s regulatory software to get real-time alerts and advocate for regulatory issues that may affect your bottom line.

Quorum Regulatory Tracking Software

Regulatory Tracking

Track Developments and Change the Regulatory Landscape in Real-Time

Effectively track and advocate for issues at the regulatory level across Congress and states, then showcase the impact of your effort.

Quorum Client Case Study

How EROC’s Grassroots Activation Drove Over 6,000 Comments

Quorum Regulatory Data Set

Comprehensive Regulatory Dataset

Monitor the full lifecycle of a rule

Get all the regulatory information you need in a single profile and receive instant notifications about new hearings, related documents, or status updates. Tracking sources include state and federal registers, OIRA, OMB, the Unified Agenda, and more.

Automated Tracking

All Your Information in One Place

Stop searching for new regulations with auto-populating boards that pull in every regulation matching your issues and customize your workflow across teams so you only see what matters most to you.

Quorum Integrated Email

Engagement & Advocacy

Strategically Influence Regulations

Increase the impact of your regulatory advocacy efforts with up-to-date agency contacts, an integrated email platform, or even add a customizable advocacy action centers to promote your organization’s stance and create change.

Related Quorum Products

Regulation Tracking & Advocacy
in One Place

Quorum’s suite of integrated products offers everything you need to track federal and state regulations, get in touch with agency officials, and advocate for regulatory change.