What is grassroots advocacy?
Grassroots advocacy makes it possible for citizens and organizations to elevate their voices and impact the issues they care about. At the core of effective grassroots advocacy are campaigns that build widespread support in order to shape political dialogue.
Grassroots advocates are defined as individuals who are willing to take action online, on the phone, or by mail to contact their elected officials. Through education and training, grassroots advocates can over time grow into grasstops advocates.
How does grassroots advocacy relate to public affairs?
A grassroots advocacy campaign is an important bridge organizations can build between them and elected officials. A successful advocacy campaign should have several key attributes that include growing your grasstops and having advocates tell their personal stories. Organizations can implement these strategies through effective education that engages and empowers their advocates.
Organizations should build a grassroots advocacy campaign with a functional webpage that activates advocates in order to harness the influence of online advocacy tools. These tools make it more convenient for advocates – as every extra step an advocate has to take will have a measurable impact on whether or not they decide to take action.