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[ID] => 1723
[post_author] => 1
[post_date] => 2018-01-06 00:00:00
[post_date_gmt] => 2018-01-06 00:00:00
[post_content] =>
According to Pew Research Center,
two-thirds of Americans receive some portion of their news on social media. Here in Washington, both President Trump and members of Congress are increasingly turning to tools like Twitter to share information with their constituents. Using Quorum’s social media monitoring, we analyzed which major news outlets members of Congress most frequently mentioned on Twitter in 2017.
Fox News was the most mentioned news outlet by Congress on Twitter in 2017
With 2,720 mentions, Fox News was the top news outlet members of Congress mentioned on Twitter. Rounding out the top three were fellow television networks CNN and MSNBC—with 2,024 and 1,652 mentions, respectively. The Hill was the top non-television medium members shared or discussed with 1,148 mentions.
98 percent of The Daily Caller’s mentions on Twitter were from Republicans
The Daily Caller led the top 20 news outlets with the highest proportion of mentions by Republicans at 98 percent. Two of the top ten outlets mentioned by Congress—Fox News and the Wall Street Journal—are also among the top five Republicans shared most. Of the top 20 outlets mentioned, these are the only five that leaned Republican in percent of mentions.
100 percent of Vox’s mentions on Twitter were from Democrats
Democrats accounted for all 183 mentions of Vox on Twitter. 79 percent of MSNBC’s mentions and 81 percent of The New York Times’ mentions came from Democrats. While these five outlets leaned the most Democratic in proportion of mentions, 15 of the top 20 news outlets were shared more by Democrats than Republicans.
Roll Call was the least partisan news outlet mentioned by Congress on Twitter
Nearing a 50-50 split, Roll Call was the most evenly mentioned outlet on Twitter with 106 mentions by Republicans and 113 by Democrats. Despite being among the least partisan, all five of the outlets below still leaned Democrat by an average of 57 percent.

[post_title] => Top 20 News Outlets Mentioned by Congress on Twitter in 2017
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[post_modified] => 2020-06-11 01:40:12
[post_modified_gmt] => 2020-06-11 01:40:12
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[ID] => 1723
[post_author] => 1
[post_date] => 2018-01-06 00:00:00
[post_date_gmt] => 2018-01-06 00:00:00
[post_content] =>
According to Pew Research Center,
two-thirds of Americans receive some portion of their news on social media. Here in Washington, both President Trump and members of Congress are increasingly turning to tools like Twitter to share information with their constituents. Using Quorum’s social media monitoring, we analyzed which major news outlets members of Congress most frequently mentioned on Twitter in 2017.
Fox News was the most mentioned news outlet by Congress on Twitter in 2017
With 2,720 mentions, Fox News was the top news outlet members of Congress mentioned on Twitter. Rounding out the top three were fellow television networks CNN and MSNBC—with 2,024 and 1,652 mentions, respectively. The Hill was the top non-television medium members shared or discussed with 1,148 mentions.
98 percent of The Daily Caller’s mentions on Twitter were from Republicans
The Daily Caller led the top 20 news outlets with the highest proportion of mentions by Republicans at 98 percent. Two of the top ten outlets mentioned by Congress—Fox News and the Wall Street Journal—are also among the top five Republicans shared most. Of the top 20 outlets mentioned, these are the only five that leaned Republican in percent of mentions.
100 percent of Vox’s mentions on Twitter were from Democrats
Democrats accounted for all 183 mentions of Vox on Twitter. 79 percent of MSNBC’s mentions and 81 percent of The New York Times’ mentions came from Democrats. While these five outlets leaned the most Democratic in proportion of mentions, 15 of the top 20 news outlets were shared more by Democrats than Republicans.
Roll Call was the least partisan news outlet mentioned by Congress on Twitter
Nearing a 50-50 split, Roll Call was the most evenly mentioned outlet on Twitter with 106 mentions by Republicans and 113 by Democrats. Despite being among the least partisan, all five of the outlets below still leaned Democrat by an average of 57 percent.

[post_title] => Top 20 News Outlets Mentioned by Congress on Twitter in 2017
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[post_name] => most-shared-news-outlets-members-congress
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[post_modified_gmt] => 2020-06-11 01:40:12
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[guid] => https://marketing-staging.quorum.us/resources/most-shared-news-outlets-members-congress/
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[post] => WP_Post Object
[ID] => 1723
[post_author] => 1
[post_date] => 2018-01-06 00:00:00
[post_date_gmt] => 2018-01-06 00:00:00
[post_content] =>
According to Pew Research Center,
two-thirds of Americans receive some portion of their news on social media. Here in Washington, both President Trump and members of Congress are increasingly turning to tools like Twitter to share information with their constituents. Using Quorum’s social media monitoring, we analyzed which major news outlets members of Congress most frequently mentioned on Twitter in 2017.
Fox News was the most mentioned news outlet by Congress on Twitter in 2017
With 2,720 mentions, Fox News was the top news outlet members of Congress mentioned on Twitter. Rounding out the top three were fellow television networks CNN and MSNBC—with 2,024 and 1,652 mentions, respectively. The Hill was the top non-television medium members shared or discussed with 1,148 mentions.
98 percent of The Daily Caller’s mentions on Twitter were from Republicans
The Daily Caller led the top 20 news outlets with the highest proportion of mentions by Republicans at 98 percent. Two of the top ten outlets mentioned by Congress—Fox News and the Wall Street Journal—are also among the top five Republicans shared most. Of the top 20 outlets mentioned, these are the only five that leaned Republican in percent of mentions.
100 percent of Vox’s mentions on Twitter were from Democrats
Democrats accounted for all 183 mentions of Vox on Twitter. 79 percent of MSNBC’s mentions and 81 percent of The New York Times’ mentions came from Democrats. While these five outlets leaned the most Democratic in proportion of mentions, 15 of the top 20 news outlets were shared more by Democrats than Republicans.
Roll Call was the least partisan news outlet mentioned by Congress on Twitter
Nearing a 50-50 split, Roll Call was the most evenly mentioned outlet on Twitter with 106 mentions by Republicans and 113 by Democrats. Despite being among the least partisan, all five of the outlets below still leaned Democrat by an average of 57 percent.

[post_title] => Top 20 News Outlets Mentioned by Congress on Twitter in 2017
[post_excerpt] =>
[post_status] => publish
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[post_name] => most-shared-news-outlets-members-congress
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[post_modified_gmt] => 2020-06-11 01:40:12
[post_content_filtered] =>
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