Challenge: Disjointed Solutions Made Uber Slow to React
When Danielle Burr, Head of Federal Affairs at Uber, joined the team two years ago, she identified a challenge in that the team was not getting the most out of its many relationships around Washington. While the Uber team had plenty of opportunities for engagement, they weren’t properly tracking those engagements and the takeaways from conversations they had with members of Congress, staffers, and other stakeholders.
“[The relationships] weren’t always being captured and we weren’t always able to access information about contacts or previous positions on issues as quickly as I knew that we could,” Burr said.
Solution: An All-in-One Tool So Uber Can Move Faster
With Quorum, Uber’s Federal Affairs team works under one platform and is more proactive in managing stakeholder relationships, staying alert to mentions of the company, and communicating the company’s message to Capitol Hill.
Managing Stakeholder Relationships and Interactions
Uber uses Quorum’s database of legislators and staffers to track the conversations happening with each legislative office. When a team member meets with an office, they log what was discussed in Quorum. This way, if a different team member is hoping to also engage that office, they can use past interactions to inform their future engagement strategy.
“It has been really important for us to be able to know six months ago we went into this office and we had this conversation about this topic,” Burr said. “Then we can know 1) was it properly followed up on or 2) is it appropriate to go back in again, or have we overstayed our welcome somewhere.”
Being Proactive with Fast Alerts
Like many corporations, Uber has been mentioned numerous times in legislators’ press releases, newsletters, floor statements, and social media posts. While tracking interactions provided a systematic way for Uber to plan its engagement with stakeholders, it also needed a system for rapid-response communication, and to do so, the team turned to Quorum’s alerts. By setting alerts in Quorum, the Uber team receives an email immediately when a legislator mentions the company, allowing them to respond quickly.
“Having alerts was definitely new to the team and it was something that was a lifesaver to us because if it’s already on Twitter, it means our executives have already seen it,” Burr said. “Being able to get to things much quicker and being able to be proactive in communicating to our executive team or when we’re being mentioned was really critical‚ [the Quorum alert] is typically the first incoming notification that we get on a mention of Uber.”
Communicating to Capitol Hill
Uber experiences a common problem that lobbying and advocacy teams find—staffers on Capitol Hill are transient and consistently move to new roles, new offices, or new career paths. This meant that before Quorum, it was a challenge for Uber to communicate company updates with stakeholders.
“This past year we started doing quarterly newsletters for our team to have a regular cadence of updates going to folks on the Hill,” said Susan Hendrick, Federal Communications Lead at Uber. “That goes to a large listserv of communications folks, LAs on the Hill, and broadly friends of Uber and we have a large list that we utilize in Quorum.”
With Quorum, Uber was able to find a consistent, trustworthy database of staffers so it could send its quarterly newsletter to Communications and Transportation staffers.
Impact: Smarter Relationship Management Across the Team
Quorum is a part of Uber’s workflow in numerous ways—tracking engagement with stakeholders, getting alerts for dialogue, and identifying contacts for quarterly newsletters. But what stands out most to Burr? The way that it unifies her team in one place.
“For me, it goes back to the continuity that it serves for the team. Regardless of role, everybody can see into the same platform to utilize it for their needs,” Burr said. “The continuity of the relationship management with stakeholders is something that works for all of us on the team and is why I would recommend Quorum.”