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Case Study

How the Air Force Uses Quorum to Identify and Share Actionable Legislative Intelligence

How the Air Force Uses Quorum to Identify and Share Actionable Legislative Intelligence

Challenge: Preserving Institutional Knowledge Amongst an Ever-Changing Team

The Air Force Office of Legislative Affairs is made up mainly of Action Officers who rotate amongst various Air Force positions every few years, meaning they need to learn key information for success in their roles quickly. Picking up institutional knowledge is challenging in a lot of workplaces, but it is even more difficult for the Action Officers because, for many of them, it’s their first time in a legislative role.

For the Office of Legislative Affairs, information is critical. One of their main focuses as a group is to support the top-level Department of the Air Force officials in their engagement with Congress, including the Secretary of the Air Force, the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, Chief of Space Operations, and more. When these officials meet with members of Congress in a meeting, hearing, or the Senate confirmation process, it’s essential that these leaders have the most accurate legislative information readily available.

“One of the things I observed when I first arrived is the large amount of research that an action officer would spend on a single member of Congress or single engagement,” said Rudy Bravo, Congressional Liaison at the United States Air Force said. “They would individually go to the member’s Facebook, press releases, or Google search. They would spend hours doing background research.”

Solution: An Information-Sharing System That Provides Actionable Intelligence

Quorum allows the Department of the Air Force to have a smooth cycle of information sharing between the various offices within the Office of Legislative Affairs, including the:

  • Legislative Liaison Correspondence Office (LLC),
  • Legislative Liaison Engagement Office (LLE),
  • House and Senate Air Force Liaisons Offices
  • Principals, such as the Secretary of the Air Force or the Chief of Space Operations.

The first step in the information sharing process is the LLC and House and Senate Liaison Offices inputting information from any engagements they have with members of Congress into Quorum.

Quorum’s mobile app is key to ensuring that the information the LLC and Liaison Offices add to Quorum is always up to date, particularly when members of the Air Force team accompany members of Congress and their staff on congressional delegation trips overseas to Air Force facilities. Before Quorum, the Action Officers on the trips had to wait until they returned to the Example of logged interactions on Quorum's dashboardPentagon on their government computers to input information they learned on the trip. With Quorum’s mobile app, the Officers can input from wherever they are, and the team members at the Pentagon can immediately act on those insights.

“We had an Action Officer that was escorting a Congressional Delegation to Africa,” Bravo said. “Right after discussions with a member on his policy interests, she got on her phone and entered notes into Quorum. Within minutes people in our office at the Pentagon who had that issue in their portfolio were alerted to the discussion. That was instant sharing of information from Africa to the Pentagon.”

With the LLC and Liaison Offices entering all of the information into Quorum, Bravo and the LLE Office can synthesize the information for the Air Force principals so they are prepared for upcoming hearings and testimony. Air Force leadership frequently asks Bravo’s team for matrixed information on how many times they met on a specific policy area and which members those meetings were with.

“Our leadership wants to know who is asking these questions, is there a pattern, is this something that’s going to come up in upcoming congressional testimony?” Bravo said. “How can we better prepare? Quorum helps us with that institutional knowledge.”

Bravo and the LLE team use Quorum’s Download Center to prepare the information into a digestible, visual format. With the Download Center, the Air Force can select different biographical information, maps showing the locations of Air Force facilities in a given legislative district, and more for a particular member of Congress so that the Air Force principals can get up to speed quickly.

Impact: Helping the Department of the Air Force Move Faster on Legislative Priorities

Given the nature of the Air Force, the constant transition of Action Officers in and out of the Office of Legislative Affairs makes maintenance of institutional knowledge a consistent challenge that Quorum has gone a long way to help solve.

“Quorum has cut down on the amount of time that our Action Officers spend doing research,” Bravo said. “Instead of doing research, they can quickly pull a member’s interests in the Air Force and then focus on bigger items, the bigger rocks on the road.”
Rudy Bravo, Congressional Liaison at the United States Air Force

Along with the Action Officers, even the Air Force principles have been able to find information faster with Quorum. Specifically, Bravo recalls a time that the vice commander for a major combat command, was walking into a meeting with a member of Congress and decided to check his Quorum app before the meeting.

“Before going into the meeting, the director of legislative liaison looked on his iPhone, logged into Quorum, and saw the latest press release where the Member mentioned something about the military,” Bravo said. “When the Air Force principle mentioned this to the Member, the member was pleasantly surprised that we were aware of this recent statement that he just put out within 30 minutes.”

The Air Force has a significant footprint in the policy efforts across the legislative branch, and having Quorum’s government solution in place allows them to maintain awareness of the moving parts across their team and move faster on key legislative priorities.